The Coffeeinacone: What is this choco-caffeinated trend on Instagram? - Café Liégeois

The #Coffeeinacone, is the art of mixing two ingredients among the most popular in the world. We also describe it as an audacious mix in which we wanted to bite into to replace the famous ice cream during summer. In a cone is placed the delicious espresso, which softens the crunchy chocolate covered cone. The result is a masterpiece for the instagrammers of the world!


Source : Instagram© #Coffeeinacone

Where did this trend come from ?

Before spreading all over the web, this trend saw daylight in South Africa where the hashtag #Coffeeinacone became a hit. Dayne Levinrad, a bartender in this magnificent café (The Grind Coffee Company) elaborated the creation in Johannesburg. As third wave cafés still aren’t in South Africa, they had to innovate and develop new combinations of flavours. The trick is to pour a small espresso into the cone and consume it within 10 minutes (yes, it melts…)

Bike and #coffeeinacone

Since its creation early in 2016, the Coffeinacone has already conquered a large portion of the seven continents. Over 1.5 million photos have been shared with the hashtag #coffeeinacone.

A presentation for all tastes

If the cones already have their own original presentation, you can also place them in various small containers in order to pour the coffee at the best moment. On the side of the cone you can also put caramel, chocolate chips or even a whiff of whipped cream :)

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